Today’s Plum District Plum Steal is a $30 Teleflora voucher for $15. Here are the details:
- Voucher is valid towards shipping
- Entire value must be used in one purchase; no roll-over or remaining balance after purchase
- Limit 2 vouchers per person
- Voucher may be applied to service fees or delivery fees Voucher only redeemable at
- Not redeemable for cash value
- Voucher valid for $30 towards a purchase; customers are responsible for any amount over the $30 at checkout
- Limit 1 voucher per transaction at
- May not be combined with other offers, promotions or coupons
- Voucher may only be applied toward a single order
- No partial redemption, unless required by law
- Redemption subject to Teleflora’s standard terms and conditions
- Plum Dollars may not be used to purchase this Plum Steal
- You cannot earn Plum Dollars for referring this Plum Steal
- Plum District promotional codes may not be used toward the purchase of this Plum Steal
- Expires 02/28/13