Disclosure Policy

Bushel of Savings was created as a way to pass on coupons, offers, samples and/or freebies to anyone who is interested.  As owner of Bushel of Savings, we will link to such offers, but cannot guarantee the success once you get to the other site(s).  We are providing information only.  We have no control over the availability of the offers at the other sites.  Any problems with the offer need to be directed at the site making the actual offer, not Bushel of Savings.  Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Bushel of Savings. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.

Keep in mind, when a person fills out a request for a sample/freebie they are giving their information (address/email address) freely and are consenting to be contacted by the company offering the sample/freebie.  It is often a good idea to have another email address that is used specifically for signing up for offers.

As with any blog, the owner of this blog occasionally receives compensation for some posts or advertisements.  The opinions expressed are based on the owners experience with the product and strictly the owners own thoughts/opinions.

3 thoughts on “Disclosure Policy

    • You’ll need to enter the number on the back of your VIP card so they can credit the 50 fuel points to the correct account.

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